B/L info shown on insurance ? is this necessary?

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B/L info shown on insurance ? is this necessary?

Post by vivian » Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:17 am

Hi, expert

A L/C call for an insurance cert in duplicate and Tanker bill of lading,......

The bene presented four sets of Tanker bill of lading with B/L no. STK45-01, STK45-02, STK45-03, STK45-04. B/L date 1 March 2010 for each one,
insurance presented be bene show that B/L info on insurance cert, however the b/l no. shown on insureance ( also show on invoice) as STK45-01 to STK45-04, B/L date is 1MARCH 2010.

My question is that, 1) is is necessary that insurance cert must show shiping infomations , even issuing date of insurance is earlier than shiping date.

2) B/L NO. showed on insurance and invoice in this style like" STK45-01 TO STK45-04" is this acceptable , is a discrep or not?


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Post by ahsioz » Mon May 31, 2010 1:18 am

If it is not required by the lc that infomation of bl to be shown on insurance certificate it is not necessary to do so. On the other hand if this information is indicated on insurance cert. the numbers of bl must be shown seperately to avoid the discrepancy of documents not appropriate with each other.

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Not Required. Not a discrepancy

Post by Ljo » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:19 pm

Dear Vivian

The shipping details are not required to be shown on an insurance doc unless called for in the LC. However, if shown it must not be 'in conflict' with the data in other documents. Indicating the B/L nos as STK45-01 to STK45-04 is NOT a discrepancy as the data is not conflicting with the actual B/L nos.
An indication of a totally different B/L no. will constitute a discrepancy.


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