BL endorsement

The forum is dedicated to all who deals with LCs. Please share your experiences, problems and opinions with us. You are requested to be confined to LC related issues only. Let us together discover the beauty of Letter of Credit. Thank and regards – admin;
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BL endorsement

Post by smanicka » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:29 am

BL evidence shipper as ABC Ltd on behalf of XYZ co Ltd in this case who can endorse the BL.
ABC Ltd or XYZ Co ltd or both

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bl endorsement

Post by picant » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:47 pm

Hi Pal,
this could be a correct answer:

Official Opinion R491 - 2000/01

From UCP 500 - Miscellaneous


We are an international trading company trading mainly on L/C basis. We have recently had a query arise to which we cannot get a straightforward answer from our bank and it is not covered by UCP 500.

The problem has arisen with the endorsement of bills of lading when we have shipped material purchased from a third party and the shipper on the bill of lading is shown as:

Third Party Trading Company

For and on Behalf of Company T

Some banks reject the bills of lading as discrepant because the bills are endorsed only with our stamp reading Company T and not the first named company, other banks accept the endorsement of the Company T stamp without question.

I would stress that most banks accept the endorsement, but for those which do not we would like some clarification.


Analysis and Conclusion

An endorsement of a bill of lading issued in the circumstances that you have outlined may be made/completed by the Third Party Trading Company (as agent for Company T or by Company T).


Please send me your comment , for a complete apraisal see "can a bill of lading be blank endorsed made by an agent of the shipper?


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shipper ABC Ltd on behalf of XYZ co Ltd

Post by mia vervacke » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:24 am

We had a simalar case and we have based ourselves also on this official opinion.

The bill of lading may be endorsed by the Third Party Trading Company (as agent for Company T or by Company T). I assume Third Party Trading Company/ABC Ltd is signing and under the signature there should be mentioned 'as agent for Company T/XYZ Ltd'' or 'by Company T/XYZ Ltd'.

If Third Party Trading Company/ABC Ltd can sign 'by company T/XYZ Ltd', then I assume Company T/XYZ Ltd can also sign in its own name?

Other comments appreciated

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BL endorsement

Post by Shirley » Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:44 am

I think both parties can endorse the B/L.
1) ABC Ltd on behalf on XYZ Co Ltd
2) XYZ Co Ltd
If it is wrong, please send me comment. Thank you!!

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Gen 24 / FAQ

Post by loankim » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:15 pm

Hi Shirley,

i dont think you are wrong ! :)
i used to face with this case and i thought: it could be ABC or XYZ ???
Finally, i found out the same answer in Gen24 / FAQ Vol.I, II, III .
In the case, B/L is endorsed by ABC, we also dont need to add the phrase :
" on behalf of XYZ"

Loan Kim

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Gen24 / FAQ Vol.I, II, III

Post by mia vervacke » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:58 am

Hi Loan Kim

Can you please post the content of Gen24 / FAQ Vol.I, II, III or can you tell me where I can find it on the internet.

Thanks in advance

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here you are

Post by loankim » Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:53 am

Hi there,

i just have got the hard copy, umm .. i dont know whether you can find it on the internet. But you can have more details abt it at the Website address :
This is FAQ , you can find out the short answer quickly so sometimes we also need to seek more main reasons by ourselves
Here you are :
question : Bill of lading shows shipper as A c/o ( or on behaft of B). Consignee is to shippers order. Must A and B both endorse or only one of them to endorse is enough ?
Answer : Only one party need endorse the bill of lading. In this case, it could be A or B

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