description of goods on commercial invoice discrepancy

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description of goods on commercial invoice discrepancy

Post by ahsioz » Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:36 pm

Dear friends,

The description of the goods on L/C states '.....value of the goods' and the invoice states '...value of goods...' only word 'the' is missing on invoice.

Although ICC Pub No.681 art.25 and 600 art.14e has some information about the issue art.600 18/c states 'the description of the goods on commercial invoice must correspond with that of L/C'

I would like to know if your opinion on this subject is that both descriptions on invoice and l/c should be EXACTLY the same or there may be tolerance for this case?
thanks and regards,

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mirror image

Post by iLC » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:05 am

its not necessary for the description of the goods on invoice to be a mirror image of the LC.
The description of the goods, services or performance in a commercial invoice must correspond with that appearing in the credit.
the requirement in UCP600 is to "correspond with that appearing in LC". of course you can kick out some of those "the" unless it form a part of brand name or something. i must say, from your post its very hard to understand whats the purpose of "the" in the related sentences.

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