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Carrier Released The Goods Based On Forged Bill Of Lading

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:36 pm
by shahriar
consider the following case -

LC calls for full set of bill of lading to the order of issuing bank. 3/3 original BL was presented to the issuing bank. the applicant never received the document from the bank. when the bank looked for the cargo, it found that the cargo is released to someone other than importer. the issuing bank asks the carrier for explanation. the carrier said that released the goods against an original BL. on examination, it was found that the BL that the carrier is holding is no different from that of the bank on its face. that means at least one of them is to be fake. without any further information from the carrier, who will you hold responsible?



Re: who is responsible?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:21 pm
by cristiand969
This issue must be submitted to a lawyer with all information and documentation acordingly. I am sorry I cannot assist you in this situation given the very few information provided. Apparently the carrier released the goods to a person not nominated as consignee (you said all docs -both in bank's and carrier's hands were issued to the order of issuing bank). Then ask the carrier to explain this.

Re: who is responsible?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:49 pm
by hassan
I agree to "cristiand969". when the BLs hava been issued to the order of the bank, how can the carrier release goods to another one? has the bank endorsed it? you are expected to explain a little more .and before that it seems the carrier is responsible.

Re: who is responsible?

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by ofei
It seems fraud by the carrier happened though there are not enough details to support.