Within Which Time A Bank Must Respond a SWIFT Message?
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:16 pm
Dear Friends,
IB confirm to client that the swift system has been open with a MT799 to the BB
What is the legal time frame between the beneficiary bank on acting/replying on a MT799 from the issuer bank??
and what will be the legal time frame to reply on the authenticated message from the BB to the IB with an MT760
IB is in South east Asia. BB+ bank
BB is in the EU, a A2 bank
Instrument is an SBLC in ISP98 format
Keeping in mind the time frame between Asia and ECT.
Many thanks
IB confirm to client that the swift system has been open with a MT799 to the BB
What is the legal time frame between the beneficiary bank on acting/replying on a MT799 from the issuer bank??
and what will be the legal time frame to reply on the authenticated message from the BB to the IB with an MT760
IB is in South east Asia. BB+ bank
BB is in the EU, a A2 bank
Instrument is an SBLC in ISP98 format
Keeping in mind the time frame between Asia and ECT.
Many thanks