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Buyer's Mandate

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:23 am
by bruen

We have a deal as intermediary. We have a buyer and supplier. The problem is that the supplier is a big manufacturer. And the supplier should verify the buyer. BCL should be provided and the company must have a credibility.
We are a small intermediary. We cannot provide BCL. At the same time we don't want to be as agent. We work to be a contractual party for the supplier and the buyer. We want to control our margin on our side.

How can we make this deal? What if we sign a buyer's mandate and or smth like that with a buyer as well as NCNDA. So, we provide buyer's company information and BCL from the buyer plus Buyer's mandate from us. So the deal would be through our company. The payment will be transferable LC. Is it possible? Also, note we cannot sign anything in advance with a supplier. Supplier is too big. They won't consider any documents unless see BCL or any other proof of funds.
Please advise how we can make it work. Thanks.