Indicate receipt of goods
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:39 pm
Article 24
Dear experts, evidence ''Receipt of goods'' mandatory in Article 24 as the below paragraph states signature or notation with signature. can you share some explanation for the below article in UCP600
A road, Rail or Inland waterway transport documents.
i. indicate the name of the carrier and;
>be signed by the carrier or a named agent for on behalf of the carrier, or
>indicate receipt of the goods by signature, stamp or notation by the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier.
Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Kumar
Dear experts, evidence ''Receipt of goods'' mandatory in Article 24 as the below paragraph states signature or notation with signature. can you share some explanation for the below article in UCP600
A road, Rail or Inland waterway transport documents.
i. indicate the name of the carrier and;
>be signed by the carrier or a named agent for on behalf of the carrier, or
>indicate receipt of the goods by signature, stamp or notation by the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier.
Thanks & Regards
Dinesh Kumar