Meaning Of Back Value Date In URR725

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Meaning Of Back Value Date In URR725

Post by saeef » Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:52 am

Art 11b under urr 725 stated that a RB will not precess a request for back value (valur dating prior to the date of a reimbursment claim) from the claiming bank.
Any one can explain me the meaning of back value of this article.
Cooperation appreciated.

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back value date

Post by abrar » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:46 pm

An example of back value dating might be where the claiming bank submits a claim on 7.6.13 but requests payment for value date 5.6.13. If the reimbursing bank were to agree to this, it would effectively mean that the debit to the issuing bank's account would be made for 5.6.13 and applied to the claiming bank's account for value date 5.6.13 (even though the entry date would remain as 7.6.13 on both accounts).

It should be noted that unless otherwise authorised in the issuing bank's reimbursement authority, the reimbursing bank would not be authorised to "back value date" debit entries to the issuing bank's account. If the reimbursing bank were to back value date the debit and payment, for the the issuing bank there would be a negative interest impact and for the claiming bank there would be a positive interest impact.

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URR 725

Post by saeef » Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:59 am

Thank u Mr abrar gor ur nice example. I think I hv got the point.

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Back Value

Post by dinesh2476 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:26 pm

Dear Abrar,

Kindly elaborate the below quoted

If the reimbursing bank were to back value date the debit and payment, for the the issuing bank there would be a negative interest impact and for the claiming bank there would be a positive interest impact.


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Post by abrar » Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:45 pm

dinesh2476 wrote:Dear Abrar,

Kindly elaborate the below quoted

If the reimbursing bank were to back value date the debit and payment, for the the issuing bank there would be a negative interest impact and for the claiming bank there would be a positive interest impact.

I mean to say that if the issuing bank maintans an account with the reimbursing bank which pays interest, a back value debit to the issuing bank's account would result a downward adjustment of the interest accrued on the issuing bank's account. Similarly, if the claiming bank were to receive reimbursement for a value date earlier than the date of its settlement to the beneficiary, taking into account the net cashflow, this would reflect as a positive interest variance as regards its account with its nostro.

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